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m16a2 vs a4

M16a2 Vs A4 - I'm just getting into the history of the M16. The difference between all of them, how they came into service, basically everything and everything about them.

I served in the Navy until a few years ago. In the boat I got the M16A2, and then in the boat I got the A4.

M16a2 Vs A4

M16a2 Vs A4

I know clearly, the A2 has a fixed carrying handle, where the A4 has a flat top receiver. But what about the obvious differences?

Rifle, Caliber 5.56mm M16a2

I know that the A4s that the Marines have are equipped with a night armament quad rail, but I wonder if this addition is required for a rifle to be considered an A4.

I have a "service rifle" AR that currently looks to me like a cross between an A2 and an A4. It looks like an A2, but has a flat top receiver with a removable case. Would it be considered A4? Or does it need a quad rail to happen? Or is it just an A2/A4 cross?

I think I read years ago that the A3 was with a rail upper receiver and 3 shot burst and the A4 was rail on top and full auto.

"Clone" means: For whatever period you're trying to copy, you'll get every part you can build to copy that particular model from the original manufacturer or .mil supplement. want to

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The A2 would be a 20 inch GI weight Colt, FN or other contract barrel with a plastic round hg, .mil bcg, and a fixed A2 upper receiver from whatever contract source you can get, etc.

Don't worry... but if you keep going, you'll soon find out what postball is.

Thanks for the help. My A4 (I assume based on your post) is really just a "cosmetic" clone if you will. The general view is the same. 20" heavy barrel, A2 handguard, flat top receiver, removable forearm, fixed stock, etc.

M16a2 Vs A4

Thanks for the help. My A4 (I assume based on your post) is really just a "cosmetic" clone if you will. The general view is the same. 20" heavy barrel, plastic handguard, flat top receiver, removable. carrying handle, fixed stock, etc.

M16a2, M16a4, 10.3 Cqbr.

If you hang out in this retro forum; Be warned, there is a thing called RBRD, and you can use it. It has been known to break up marriages, cause misery, and a host of other nasty things. There is no cure.

Building a 'real' clone is a work of art. It takes time, patience and perseverance. When they are done, they are cheered by the public and praised by all. Safe queen of the future. indeed; Something to see.

"Just" shotguns are good enough for me (for now). I haven't (yet) gotten to the point where I'm concerned about having a rifle with that detail.

Prototype (selectable fire full auto, no forward assist, backlit furniture, plate side lower, 1/14 turn barrel, no rear elevation adjustment)

Rifle Marksmanship M16a1, M16a2/3, M16/4 And M4 Carbine, Department Of The Army |...

Prototype, often called M16, with select fire full auto, plate side lower, no forward assist, 1/12 twist barrel, black furniture. This is the model that was the "problem" in Vietnam.

M16A1: The standard issue rifle of the US Army and the USMC for over two decades, this is the selective fire full auto, with a "full fire" bottom and a forward assist.

M16A2: Fires three round burst, round handguards, height and windage adjustable rear sight base, 1/7 twist barrel, front sight base select a beefier profile forward.

M16a2 Vs A4

M16A4: Similar to the M16A2, except that the rear sight is attached to the upper receiver by a pectinate rail, and can be removed to install the optic directly on the receiver.

M16a2 Style Ar 15 Jj 2046

The M16 was classified by the Air Force, and there was also a production variant, the R604. The fact that it has an "XM" designation means that it was experimental, not a prototype.

The "issue" version in Vietnam was the XM16E1, the experimental version that preceded the M16A1, and the model was the R603.

The Retro Forum has a lot of information about the history of the M16 leading up to the adoption of the A2. A good place to start is the various Ace guides at the top of the forum.

As for the difference between the M16A2 and M16A4, the only difference is the removable handle (up to 600m, not 800m) and receiver rail, and the "F" marked FSB.

M16a2 Clone Done, Well, One Question For Those Who Used These…

The Modular Weapon System (MWS) upgrade is the KAC or P&S M5 RAS quad-reel, non-FF handguard. Additional accessories like lights, lasers, BUIS etc. Service depends on the component and time frame, but for the most part the common optic is a variant of the TA31F on the M16A4, either in the original version, or one of the various RCO variants available.

The M16A4 is still the Marine Corps' standard infantry weapon for soldiers below the rank of E6, while it was standard for the Army until the mid-2000s, when the Army decided to go "M4 pure."

The M16A3 was a fully automatic version of the M16A2, intended primarily for use by Navy CBs (Seabees), and had all the standard features of the M16A2 except for the fire control group, which included a fixed carrying handle. More recently, the specification for the M16A3 has been changed to allow a flat-top upper receiver with an accessory rail, although the name or designation has not been changed.

M16a2 Vs A4

I mean it was one of the first models of the prototype, and was quickly discontinued when Colt came out with a better design, ending up in the M16A1.

M4a1 Keyring Pubg M4 Model Nato Assault Rifle Metal Gun Keychain M4 Gun Keyring

FWIW, we had a non-infantry unit deployed to Afghanistan a few months ago and most of them were still issued A2 rifles.

There are still a lot of A2s and A4s around, and it makes little sense to get rid of them. However, the military's "goal" is to make the M4 pure, and the M4 is classified as standard.

It took the Army a long time to complete the conversion from the A1 to the A2, and the conversion was never completed in all parts (including the reserve) before the A4 became the standard, nor did the Army end up with the A4. Before the M4 replaced it.

I should clarify that even though the Army has decided to go pure M4, the Army is still the Army. Although it takes a long time to filter these things. Rarely, if ever, is the last big thing fully implemented before the next new thing is revealed.

Dallas City Troop

On the totem pole of priorities, it makes more sense to arm the 3rd ID with brand new M16A4s, M4s, and M4A1s before worrying about upgrading the 106th Finance Detachment's M16A2s.

The Army decided to equip all troops and BCTs with M4s, way back in 04. After FOB Wanat they decided to equip the infantry BCT with M4A1s and transfer many of those M4s to non-BCT troops.

On the other hand the Marine Corps decided to equip the MWSs with A4s in 02 because they also bought 1 M4 MWS for the 4 A4s they bought.

M16a2 Vs A4

Well, I understand that you want to keep it simple for me, but I'm just a newbie in terms of this forum.

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I am aware of some basic differences, but wondering if there are any other minor differences? I appreciate your reply, and that of the other posters. Thank you all! I will check out the other resources that were mentioned.

"The M16A4 is still the Marine Corps' standard infantry weapon for soldiers below the rank of E6, while it was standard for the Army until the mid-2000s, when the Army decided to "go pure M4."

What is it about the A4 that the USMC saw to keep the rifle and the US Army didn't?

The M4 was built and released for the purpose of CQB. Not every unit in the Army spends enough time with CQB to warrant major replacement of the A4 with the M4. So why the military would try to replace the A4 with the M4 as a standard issue rifle is beyond me.

Original Rubber Film Prop Colt M16a2 (“ar15a2”) From Ellis Props

Also, generally speaking, the Navy has a much smaller budget than the Army. It would make more sense for the Marines to only issue M4s to those who will use them the most instead of replacing their entire small arms inventory.

The original intent of the M4 was to be released to support troops who needed a more effective weapon than a pistol, but for whom a full-size rifle would be a hindrance, such as truck drivers and tank crews.

If the Marines gave the M4 to those who use it the most, if they issued it to E5s and below, not E6s and above.

M16a2 Vs A4

The military rarely goes out and "changes their entire inventory." Equipment replacement usually means that the units most in need immediately field new equipment and their equipment is transferred to other units and becomes a "legacy" system. Priority is almost always given

M16a2 5.56 Rifle

Q3 vs a4, audi a3 vs a4, q5 vs a4, a4 vs a6, audi a4 vs, audi a4 vs a5, audi a4 vs q3, audi s4 vs a4, m16a1 vs m16a2, a4 vs, audi a4 vs q5, a3 vs a4

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